Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog Post 4

I never realized how important writing would be to advance through college. I have been in college for 2 semesters and I think I have done more writing in those two sememsters then 4 years in high school. This has suprised me, I didn't expect the writing to be so intensive here. It has been difficult for me to do these writing assignments every week. It can be difficult to pull new information and formulate that into a blog post every week. Making sure that you don't repeat points you've made in previous posts can be aggravating as well. As the semester goes on hopefully it will become less of a problem for me.
One of the things that everyone told me about college is that you would have to write alot and write well to make it through. I didn't think it would be as true as everyone made it out to be. But it ended up being that way. Hopefully through this semester I can better grasp writing while doing these blog posts. Blog posts can be difficult sometimes, especially if you can't think of anything to write about. I struggle with writers block as i'm sure many of my classmates do as well. But what I have learned so far in this class, is that for me the most difficult part of writing is starting. Once started, words just seem to kind of flow. But once the thought is put down and it's time to start on a new topic. It's back to square one and the block returns.

1 comment:

  1. Writing is a big part of college. Just keep your chin up man. Writing assignment will be the easier part of school trust me. Once again I really enjoyed reading your work. Keep up the good writing and see you in class!
